Brain Connections

How are consumers feeling towards growing AI offerings?

In today’s dynamic digital landscape, there’s an unmistakable rush among companies to weave artificial intelligence (AI) into their offerings, products and services. Companies such as Amazon and Spotify have set the standard by utilizing AI to comprehend not just consumer preferences but also their mood, resulting in more accurate suggestions.

While businesses are readily implementing AI, a critical question arises: What's the consumer perspective on these evolving technologies? Are user’s concerns about data control and privacy growing as fast as the AI usage?

AI services are evolving fast

AI is reshaping the business landscape more profoundly than we could have imagined. While high-tech giants like Google with its DeepMind and Tesla with its autopilot stand out as the poster children for AI innovation, there’s a deeper, more widespread transformation underway.

These advances present a world of opportunities. For businesses, the scene is set for streamlined operations, data-driven strategies, and amplified innovations. On the consumer front, it translates to bespoke experiences, swifter services, and a level of predictive assistance that once belonged to the realms of science fiction.

Consider Amazon, a global e-commerce juggernaut. It’s leveraging AI to empower even it´s smallest vendors. With their new AI tool, even individual sellers can craft engaging product descriptions effortlessly. This not only levels the playing field for small businesses but also enriches the shopping experience for consumers. When sellers can communicate more effectively about their products, shoppers benefit from clearer information and are more likely to find exactly what they’re looking for.

In essence, businesses, big and small, are harnessing the power of AI to operate more efficiently and to cater to their customers more effectively. And this isn’t limited to just high-tech operations or futuristic car models. It’s about everyday tasks, like shopping online, becoming smoother, more personalized, and more intuitive.

Study shows that consumers have concerns about AI tools

But all is not rosy in the realm of AI. According to a study by Digiday, consumers have mixed feelings about this technology. According to Gartner's research, 64% of marketers are either testing or using different AI tools, which is quite intriguing. On the other hand, there is a discernible carefulness: 53% of consumers are of the opinion that generative AI could negatively affect society.

Data privacy is the main concern for consumer, as noted by Gartner analyst Nicole Greene, and in second hand, the fear of AI amplifying existing biases, leading to unjust social outcomes. These concerns are not limited to just consumers; A survey by Salesforce found that although 86% of IT leaders recognize the burgeoning role of GenAI in their organizations, a significant 64% have ethical concerns.

Political interventions are on the horizon too

In response to rising concerns over AI, the European Parliament recently made its stance clear. On June 14, 2023, they approved their negotiating position on the proposed Artificial Intelligence Act, with a significant majority of 499 votes in favor, 28 against, and 93 abstentions. In this position, they expanded the list of intrusive and discriminatory uses of AI systems. This now encompasses:

  1. “Real-time” remote biometric identification in public spaces;
  2. “Post” remote biometric identification systems with narrow exceptions for law enforcement during the prosecution of grave crimes (and only with judicial authorization);
  3. Systems that categorize based on sensitive traits such as gender, race, and political alignment;
  4. Predictive policing methods grounded in profiling or past behavior;
  5. Emotion detection systems in settings like law enforcement, borders, workplaces, and schools; and
  6. Random harvesting of biometric details from platforms like social media to create face recognition databases, which infringes on privacy rights.

The Council had outlined particular AI practices, including the leveraging of AI for social scoring by private entities and systems designed to prey on vulnerable groups. They also clarified their stance on the use of ‘real-time’ biometric identification in public spaces by law enforcement, emphasizing its necessity strictly for policing purposes.

How can companies meet the needs of customers when it comes to AI offerings?

In the constantly changing world of AI-driven customer solutions, companies must ask: How can they consistently and effectively meet customer needs? It's quite simple: trust. Companies can use AI to enhance the customer experience, starting with a commitment to transparency. It's about more than just typical chatbot introductions; it's about prioritizing data privacy and setting transparent expectations.

Communication remains unchanged, even in the face of Meta's open-source initiatives and AI innovation. The importance of trust as the foundation of successful AI integration is emphasized in a recent report from Accenture, that reveals a simple logic: by revealing the capabilities, complexities, and limitations of their AI tools, companies can build this confidence.

Trust is crucial for success in this environment, and transparency is the key. The aim is to reveal how AI systems function, dispel their black box mystery, and educate customers on AI's capabilities and limitations. Companies can build reliability in their AI offerings, leading to increased customer loyalty and satisfaction. In a certain wait, this reliance can be the foundation for lasting customer relationships in the ever-changing AI landscape.

Summary: Navigating the AI Evolution with Consumer Trust

In essence, the AI revolution is sweeping businesses, bringing enhanced efficiency and personalized experiences for consumers. Despite the excitement, consumers have mixed sentiments: Data privacy, biases, and ethical implications are causing major concerns. Political interventions, such as the European Parliament’s recent actions, underscore the need for responsible AI usage. 

To succeed in this evolving landscape, companies must prioritize trust and transparency. Clear communication is key to building reliability in AI offerings and fostering lasting customer relationships. Companies must ensure that the AI journey goes beyond technology integration and includes trust and mutual respect between humans and machines.


  1. How Spotify and Amazon are using A.I. to learn your preferences—and even read your mood
  2. Amazon launches generative AI to help sellers write product descriptions
  3. The EU Artificial Intelligence Act
  4. As companies debut AI offerings at a breakneck pace, consumer concerns grow
  5. Responsible AI: Scale AI with confidence